The source code that is posted at ""
cannot be compiled
The first error returned:
c1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file:
'.\tmp\rcc\release_static\qrc_qprintdialog.cpp': No such file or directory
It is missing that file.
Other errors:
c:\qt\4.5.0\qtweb\tmp\moc\debug_static\../../../certificateinfo.h(40) : error
C2065: 'QSslCertificate' : undeclared identifier
c:\qt\4.5.0\qtweb\tmp\moc\debug_static\../../../certificateinfo.h(45) : error
C2065: 'QSslError' : undeclared identifier
c:\qt\4.5.0\qtweb\tmp\moc\debug_static\../../../certificateinfo.h(49) : error
C2065: 'QSslCertificate' : undeclared identifier
.\tmp\moc\debug_static\moc_certificateinfo.cpp(72) : error
C2065: 'QSslError' : undeclared identifier
I'm taking it that it cannot find the appropriate header file, but after
including C:\Qt\4.5.0\src\network\ssl\qsslcertificate.h and qsslerror.h, it
still returns the above errors. There are a few more errors involving invalid
connecting, can this be possible due to the lack of the inclusion of the .sln
file or environment variables not matching? Is it possible for the upload of
another complete solution with source code? Thank you.