Command line scripting
QtWeb accepts command line parameters for automatic web pages loading and dumping them to files, including complex javascripted web pages. QtWeb browser can be used as a command line download manager.
To load web page automatically:
- Open Command Prompt and navigate to a folder where QtWeb.exe is located
- Run QtWeb.exe with a parameter of URL to be loaded automatically. If URL contains special symbols, like commas or spaces - enclose URI in quotes
X:\> QtWeb.exe ""
To load web page automatically and dump it to a local file:
- Open Command Prompt and navigate to a folder where QtWeb.exe is located
- Run QtWeb.exe with parameters [-dump | -dump_and_quit] following by URL to be loaded and dumped. If URL or file name contains special symbols, like commas or spaces - enclose URI or filename in quotes
- Use -dump parameter to open QtWeb, load and dump the page and leave the browser launched
- Use -dump_and_quit parameter to open QtWeb, load and dump the page and close the browser
X:\> QtWeb.exe -dump "C:\Temp\dumped page.html"
To start QtWeb loading specific language:
- Open Command Prompt and navigate to a folder where QtWeb.exe is located
- Run QtWeb.exe with parameters [-lang | -language] following either supported language code, or local file path, containing compiled translation (*.qm)
X:\> QtWeb.exe -lang it
X:\> QtWeb.exe -language "C:\Temp\my_language.qm"
First example loads supported Italian language, second - custom translation being created.