AdBlock - hiding advertisements
QtWeb lightweight browser supports AdBlock - a content-filtering extension Mozilla-based web browsers. AdBlock allows users to prevent page elements, such as advertisements, from being downloaded and displayed. Basic filter rules can include wildcards represented by asterisks (*).
For example, to block ads on any website in any directory called "banners", or any case insensitive equivalent, add to the block list:
To enable AdBlock and use most common block lists
- Open Preferences (F2), go to the Ad Block tab and click "Block Ads" checkbox to activate the AdBlock technology
- Use "Add...", "Edit...", "Remove" and "Remove All" buttons to add/edit/remove patterns or direct URLs to be blocked
- Click "Block Most Ads" button to add to the block list about sixteen hundred typical Ad patterns
- Click "Block Most Counters" button to add to the block list about sixteen hundred typical patterns for web counters (which slow down page loading and typically execute some JavaScript code or server-side script)
Note that a long block list a bit slows down browser's execution, and consumes more memory and CPU time, as long as each web element needs to be verified against the whole block list while loading.
To block the advertisement on a web page
- Right-click visual web element (image) you want to block on a web page and execute "Ad Block..." command from the context menu
- Check a direct URL being displayed, or edit it (if you want, for example, to create a pattern) and click OK
URL or pattern will be added to the block list and AdBlock technology will be automatically activated. Refresh a web page (F5) to make sure that the web element you want to block is not shown anymore.
To specify AdBlock exceptions
AdBlock exceptions have a priority over AdBlock list. If web element matches the pattern in the exceptions list, it won't be blocked even if it matches the pattern in the block list also. To enable AdBlock exceptions:
- Open Preferences (F2), go to the Ad Block tab and click "Exceptions" checkbox to activate the AdBlock exceptions
- Use "Add...", "Edit..." and "Remove" buttons to add/edit/remove patterns or direct URLs to be protected from blocking